The morning of day thirteen:
I went and saw Copeland last night at The Plaza Theatre. They are hands down one of my favorite bands of all time. They are about to break up as well, so I caught them just in time. It was bearing though because even though they are one of my favorite bands that I have ever discovered, you and your memory are completely attached to every one of their songs. I remember falling in love with that band, while at the same time doing the same with you.
My friends that planned to go all bailed so I ended up going alone, but that never stops me from having a good time, which it didn’t. In the process of everything that was great about it though, I also came to a point of realization that I never knew that a chair-a simple random, by-chance chair-could look and feel so empty. There were rows of these theater chairs, but none of the other ones seemed to even exist during these couple of hours. But I’m predictable in these writings; and of course I am referring to the one that was right next to me; the empty one whose absence of your person, character, and meaning, that kept my attention and caught my glares more so than the actual show did. I just really wish that you could have been there next to me at that show. I don’t know why; it just meant something to me.
This is a short entry today. Not much comes to mind; or much that I can understand well enough to form into words. It’s just one of those days that I just sit and think, you know? I guess that I should probably continue with that and stop this, seeing that this page will probably just end up with countless “I miss you’s,” if I don’t, and I just might be an idiot for that.
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