The morning of day twenty-five:
Twenty-one years into my life and I am already so annoyed with fame and celebrities; most of them at least. I get so incredibly annoyed when I hear some girl running around screaming her head off about Edward Cullin or some other most-likely douche bag who has become famous simply because of his looks. I feel the same with women celebrities as well. More so than not, I do not even find them attractive overall. Really though, how shallow can you get? You are in love with a person because of the way that they look: No wonder why relationships (And everything in between) do not usually last anymore; I dare not even quote the divorce rate statistics. It is no wonder why people cannot make a good judgment or decision about whom they want to be with. They make an entirely uneducated decision over who and what they think that someone is, and then they run around spewing things like “I can’t believe this” or “how could this happen,” when things go wrong. The answer is all too obvious, but for some reason it is entirely illusive to so many others. You may say, “I don’t care about him for only his looks.” Well what do you care about him for? His role that he played in the movie? You know, the one that another person wrote for him to act out? Yeah, that is a great way to learn about somebody and about who they really are deep down; not. I do believe that there are some justified cases out there for stuff like this, but most of the time, there is not. It is exactly how I just portrayed it (In my opinion at least): Childish, immature, disrespectable to one’s self, naïve, and so, so much more. I bet peoples’ automatic response to my writings and my ideas about it are “You’re just jealous.” I find that just as naïve and ignorant. But people seem to be over-flowing with this lately in the 2000’s so it is really no surprise to me. I just get pissed off when I see people like Brittney Spears running around, completely destroying her life, and setting it as an example for children and other people to follow. These people, especially children, really do follow it though and that is what is wrong. Do you really think that Brittney Spears knows how to handle a lasting, good relationship from everything that you have seen and come to know of her over the years? If your answer is no (Which I would hope for), then why would you agree that she should be such an idol for it? She shouldn't! Neither should 90% of the idiotic celebrities out there who think that they are some kind of a one-of-a-kind god send: What a joke. Everybody on this Earth is a god send in one way or another, and no one on this earth is better than the next person; especially because of looks; give me a break already. I do not care who you are; I will disprove your arguments in every sense. I often-time wonder if the word morality even exists anymore to the general public? I mean, if I go to a dictionary will it still be there in a new aged print? I wonder if it will be one of those fading words, on worn paper where the ink so unexpectedly and unnoticeably fell or rubbed off. Is it just one of those words slowly losing its meaning, or is its meaning slowly becoming demoralized and changing for the worse, simply because it had to adapt to the ever-growing shallow tendencies of the world and the people in it? I would not doubt that; the original meaning of morality probably hung itself a long time ago when it finally stopped to take a look around at what it has become. I find myself clinging to anyone that holds a good set of morals anymore, like I just careened into the ocean inside of a plane and these people are my life raft. I could go on about this for so long. There are so many subjects to touch on. There are so many points to make. What I wrote above is nothing but an extremely skimmed down and vague version of my argument.
My friend Jackie says the same thing; I am not really into celebrities, that is. She asked me who my celebrity crush is and I responded, “I do not have any. Why would I like someone when I know nothing about them, but the way that they look along with a very uneducated vision of who they are as a person? Yes, I admit, I may think that a woman celebrity is pretty, but that is all. She is pretty, but I do not have a crush on her even at that.” I mean, when I break it down in my head, it all really depends on your mindset and I understand that, but I do not want to find myself in that ridiculous kind of craze. I just cannot help but feel sorry for the people that do; and that sentence and statement makes me feel so low because I really mean no condescension by it, even though it is overly dressed in it. I just hate that people can be so blinded about what is right in front of them, all because they are daydreaming about something else that is as shallow as this. Her ideas on it resembled the same, and I responded with a fierce high five and higher hopes that she helped me gain.
I do not know why I seem so angry about it. I guess it just seems so simple to me. But who does not believe strongly in their own personal views? Every one of mine are just as flawed as I may believe another’s to be; I believe that you must try to keep that in mind for the sake of the respect of others (If that is your goal of course). Anyways, jealousy does play a part with it when it comes down to the right person. I mean, I do not want to hear about how the girl that I care about wants to fuck, kiss, or what have you, with some other guy. Especially when in all likeliness, that guy is a complete douche bag, and would not deserve her to begin with. Would you want to hear that? People freak out like it is some kind of control thing too; it is not. You can say and think that stuff all that you would like (You sure as hell do not need my permission), just have the respect not to say it in front of your significant other if they do not like it. It is not hard at all. But on the other hand and at the same time, I have always agreed with the fact that if someone cares about you enough and like they should when you are involved in a relationship, then it will not even cross their mind to begin with (There is a very, very fine line here though). It is not impossible. I, along with many others, do it all of the time. I am not building myself up and I am not trying to make myself seem better than anyone, because simply, I am not. But these values are easy to follow and sometimes people just need to hear that someone else out there really does practice it and believe in it, in order for them to find some sort of hope or motivation towards it. I can name you quite a few of these people that practice this day in and day out.
Anyways, I am still waiting for your call and I am growing so tired of it. Not tired as in getting over it. Tired as in I am ready for it to stop; the waiting, although I do not know if then end of it and you will ever come through. My mind goes weak when I try to process my situations over and over anymore. I really do miss you. Is it pathetic that I am still stuck on this almost a month after we were supposed to talk with each other, as promised? Is it pathetic that I am still stuck on you over a year after we have met? It is contradictive, but I do not find very much patheticalness in it, honestly. You proved for so long to be just as stuck on me, as I am on you. I do think that sometimes that it does hold quite a bit of petty poignancy, and then I remember exactly what we had. I guess a lot has happened in a year. I remember vividly, every moment that we have shared, between presence and complete absence. It has been such a back and forth chasing game, although I have to admit that I have never enjoyed chasing someone so much, or being chased, so much. Every time that I have gotten you back, it has been amazing and I am so tired of seeing you leave. I am so tired of not being able to take your hand when you try to leave or walk away, even though I know that it will probably lead to you telling me that you just need your space for a short while; that is fine, but I just want to be able to make that effort for you. I am so tired of not being able to look you in the eyes and tell you how I feel; I am so tired of giving off these unintentionally mixed signals that throw us both off of balance; I am tired of not fulfilling all of the things that we promised that we would do and fulfill; I am tired of not being able to pull you in right next to me, and I am tired of lying in an empty bed where I wish that I could turn over, and there you would be. I do miss you, I do. And I do not know if you have lost your feelings, but it seems so, more so than not, now. And all that I needed was so easy and the things that would come along with it, well there are no words to describe that and the overwhelming comfort that would come along with them. This last time that you said goodbye in the silent ways that I have known you to do, all that I needed was to see you once. Just once, and I guarantee that everything would be different right now between us; there would be no guessing anymore.
Because then I could take your hand when you try to leave and I could stop you; I could list and name as many of the countless reasons as to why your hand belongs in mine, as you would like; and I could turn over in my bed to find you laying there, where I could exhale every bad and uncomfortable emotion in my body, look you in the eyes, and tell you just how I feel.
True beauty is reflected by how people feel after you talk with them. I've said it before, and I'll likely say it again...you're beautiful James.
I love the thinking that I get to do after reading you. It's an experience, to say the least.
haha wooow I agree with you on that celebrity thing. it's getting so out of hand, it's ridiculous! i saw on the news today (why it's even considered NEWS, i dont know) that there were even these 30-40+ year old MARRIED WOMEN in line for that stupid twilight movie. there was going to be more about how it's causing some divorces. can you believe that? over some dumb actor??
High freaking five Angela (as i breathe a sigh of relief)! I remember seeing a line of girls, a few guys, and 'women' waiting in line for the Twilight movie to be released onto DVD in Walmart not long ago, and they all started SCREAMING when 12:00 a.m. hit. I'm clearly not a violent type towards the opposite sex, but i won't lie, i was so annoyed that a tad bit of evil kicked in and i felt like close-lining the entire line. Maybe somehow their screws and intelligent judgment would be knocked back into place, eh? I honestly have no idea why they call it 'News' anymore either. I don't watch the main stream news channels anymore; well, barely ever at least. It's either hyped up, biased (especially when concerning politics), or not news at all, such as you stated with this kind of bs media stuff that is so incredibly rampant. I get so down on America sometimes; at least other countries are so ignorant and confined because of their governments (such as a communist government); at least they act like idiots because they basically, legally, have to. Here in America, a good majority of people simply chose to, and chose to keep themselves so uneducated. But hey, in what country wont you find flaws? Sealand maybe? haha! And married women?! WOW! I do believe that if my wife were ever shallow enough to ruin our marriage for some actor and movie, well let's just say that i probably wouldn't have put myself in the position to be with her in the first place, if that were to be the type of mindset that she carries. So in regards to your beliefs that you've shown me, and from me to you, thank you for seeing things your way, and for thinking much deeper than the average person. You can't put a price on one person's compassion for any and all other people. Especially when concerning your marriage: Seriously, what in the f*** is wrong with some people?
Kelly i swear that i commented back to you! Stupid blogger. I promise that i didn't mean to give you the cold shoulder! It's so crazy how much my thoughts resemble yours towards your blog and everything in between. Every single time that i have read an entry of yours, my thoughts come out something like this:
"You're beautiful Kelly. I love the thinking that I get to do after reading you. It's an experience, to say the least."
Understatement maybe? :]
Wow, I could not love this post more! Seriously, I thought I was the only person in the world who thought these same things! You are so right, the whole role model thing?! A joke. It angers me to think about the celebs that people truly look up to for no reason.
And the whole looks thing, I thought i was the only one who found it all disgusting. It's nice to know there are other REAL people out there. From what Ive read, I can see that your thoughts on this refelct no jealousy what so ever, actually reflects quite some intelligence.
I hate that people feel like they should live up to society's idea of beauty. That's not beauty or genuine at all. It just makes people feel that they have to live up to unrealistic expectations and if they dont succeed theyre classified as "not good enough" It just makes me sick. These celebs like brittany and miley cyrus beg to be a role model then, they screw it up and dont even care that theyve already had kids looking up to them. Thats no role model at all.
You said "does the word morality exist anymore?" I find myself asking the same thing everyday! Ok, I know this is one really long comment but I just have to say these things lol.
You said if you truly care about someone those things wouldnt even cross your mind, Oh my! I always say the same thing! But, I was beginning to think I was only fooling myself. People always act like your "the enemy" if you don't agree with things like that.
Like porn, is one of my big things that I hate so badly. So, my boyfriend & I have both chose to keep those things totally out of our relationship because it's degrading, disrespectful and I cant help but think you couldnt love a person if you're obsessed with porn.
So reading your post and seeing that you have similar thoughts and stuff, that really truly, was a huge help with my serious anxieties over these things. :) Great job!
Also, thanks for commenting on my post too. You said justin beiber says he's the next Kurt Cobain?! WTF?! That pisses me off. He will never be Kurt Cobain. Justin B sucks. lol
Yessss! Kelly +1, Angela +2, now Kendra +3. Unfortunately, we're fighting a very shallow end, so with all of us put together, that's about +4 vs. -98973938483 hahaha.
Don't feel bad about the long comment, at all! I love them (have you seen my responses haha). Talk all that you would like! I'm happy to know that i got your interest this much! And I know exactly what you mean Kendra, when you say that you feel like you are the only person in the world who thinks like this. It's just as refreshing for me to find out that you think this way, as it is for you to find out that i do. It infuriates me sometimes, just thinking about the whole subject.
I mean, it's obvious that these kinds of people aren't role model type. It's obvious that people shouldn't look up to others, simply because they may be attractive. But, it's become so widespread in the U.S. that it's much harder to find someone now who doesn't think like that, than it is to find someone who does. I find your wording for it perfect: It's disgusting. It makes my stomach turn. I'm happy to hear that you think that it derives from intelligence, instead of anything else.
It's actually somewhat funny. A lot of people won't even accept the possibilities of government conspiracies and their 'intent' to dull down the public from their true plans. A lot of people won't even consider this. And then, they turn their back on how that is exactly what the media is doing. I don't know if they just don't realize it, ignore it, or are just entirely oblivious to it. Either way, if it actually is the governments plan, they are succeeding pretty well at it.
Yes, i agree that society has created a disgusting, distorted image of how everyone should be; what they consider 'beautiful.' It does often make people feel inadequate, and that's not fair in the least bit. Most of the time, those 'inadequate' ones are the ones who are the most beautiful, sincere, and caring individuals, yet they are oppressed by society's ideals. It is sickening. The worst part is, even a lot of the time, some of these amazing people are even more physically attractive then most celebrities, yet that is still blown off due to societies ideals. It's funny. They contradict themselves. Even though they thrive off of physical beauty, you still must have a poor mindset and poor morals to be put on the front of one of the most popular magazines. How shallow can you get?
It's just blows my mind, completely. I mean, really though. Brittany Spears and Miley Cyrus? First off, i'm pretty sure that no 13 or 14 year old has anywhere near the amount of knowledge that they need, in order to even be considered a true role model. It's just, ridiculous. You are right, they beg to be a role model, and then completely screw it up. Why? Because they are not meant to be role models. How much more obvious, clear, and concise could it really get?
I really do agree with the statement 'If you truly care about someone, those things wouldn't even cross your mind.' And it's incredible to meet a female who thinks the same way, i have to tell you. You just lifted a lot of weight off of my shoulders. I think that this kind of understanding only comes when you finally have a true understanding of love, which a lot of people lack. They don't understand this, because they have not loved someone on a true level or with true, actual love (where you would literally do anything for your partner, and anything to better your relationship). Most people don't get this, because unfortunately, and without condescension, they simply can't comprehend or understand it yet. Most people in this world die without knowing what true love is, and that is the saddest thing.
I had a friend who treated me like i was the enemy not too long ago. She was talking about how sad and upset that she was and has been with her relationship, and she even went on to say that she was attracted to this certain guy (who was also her boyfriend's good friend). They talked about it, and both came to the terms that they were attracted to each other, but they didn't take it anywhere because she stated that her boyfriend was not worth leaving for this new guy. Without trying to influence their breaking up, i simply explained this reasoning above and that maybe if she and he have been so unhappy for so long, maybe they should begin to consider the fact that they shouldn't be together; not to be cynical, but instead to give a better understanding of what they both may want. She got somewhat offended because she does love him, but still she couldn't comprehend the fact that she didn't love him enough not to be attracted to other guys, and most importantly, not to take any steps towards hurting the relationship, which is what she did when she let her and the new guy find common ground with their attraction level. Things like that should not even be an issue in a true, devoted relationship. But you can't blame her. Again, without condescension, after getting to know her, I found out that she's never truly, whole heartedly loved someone either, in the ways which i described above. So how could she understand it? Hopefully one day, either their relationship blossoms or she finds someone who can open her eyes to that, and so can he.
Now, porn. Oh Em Gee. This is actually a topic that i've been itching to write about for some time. I agree with you on it 110%. I am right there with you, full fuckin' force. It makes me sick, and that is an understatement. My stomach does more than turn when i think about it, and its degradation towards women. I remember when Jenna Jamison went on Oprah, spewing this bullshit about how porn is okay for women, and she then tried to justify it. All i will say, is this is a topic which i am going to cover, and Jenna Jamison will never, ever, in any way, be right about that. What a world; Put a porn star on Oprah, and suddenly she's something amazing, and a role model. There's that media for you again. It makes me fucking sick, to ever think about giving a porn star a single ounce of respect. They clearly have none for themselves, and i will disprove anyone's arguments towards that, in every sense. I am so happy to hear that you and your boyfriend came to terms on that. I don't even know your boyfriend, and i already have a massive amount of respect for him. Something like that says a lot about who you truly are as a person. You too, especially. You clearly have a level of class and sophistication far above a majority of the world's. Do not ever lose that Kendra. I search day in and day out for women like you, and so unfortunately, i hardly ever find them. Just know that you're not crazy for thinking like that, even if it feels like you're the only one who does. Don't ever forget that.
It's hard for me to say it to some people sometimes, because i completely agree; the whole 'i can't help but think that you couldn't be in love with a person, if you're obsessed with porn' thing. It's hard, because i've known people in these relationships, and it's such a slap in the face for them (always the girls that is). One of my best friends was actually in a relationship like this, and i remember the hurt that i saw on her face when i said this. But needless to say, she didn't last with that guy. Of course you can love people on different levels and at different degrees, but a love that may come along with a porn obsession is probably the most immature, naive, and trustless love that there is. There are different types of love, and this one has to be one of the worst out there; it has an incredibly weak definition of love attached with it. I'm happy that you agree.
Your comment helped my stresses over these things so much, you have no idea. Like i said, it's refreshing to meet another lady with like mindsets, because that's what you are; a lady. Most people don't even know the true, respectful definitions of the word. Yet you're a living example.
And Justin Beiber? That little fraud. This posting is directed towards him as well. Unfortunately for him, his fad will pass. Most likely, he'll end up on VH1's behind the music about how he turned into a crack addict after his child stardom died out, because alas, he has no talent that matches up to what the media depicts him to have. I know about a countless number of musicians who surpass him in every way. But, there again lies the media and its effects. Put the spotlight on somebody, and suddenly they're 'amazing,' despite what a sad soul that they truly may be. Pardon me while i choke.
Much love Kendra,
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