The early morning of day twenty-two:
This is a redo. I began to write an entry before this, drunk. It was pretty humorous. Is anyone else a drunk dialer, texter, MySpacer, Facebooker, etc. etc.? The mornings after are always so funny. But hey, I’m much more easily amused than others.
It is four in the morning and I am tired. I am just not much for sleeping tonight. I have been so down and out the last week or so. It sort of feels like my life and it’s progression is at a halt; I just have some things that I need to take care of; I have been slacking a bit lately. It is a pretty shitty thing when you are a person that looks and feels down on yourself when you are not constantly progressing in one way or another. It is easy to get yourself stuck in a rut. But what is progression anyways? I couldn’t begin to tell you how it is measured, or what its standards of acceptance are, really. I just turn to tending to my music, school, work, or scholarships one at a time when I get caught up in this; maybe even some of it all at times. It makes me really wish that I had gotten my other degrees before I had gone to Full Sail and gotten an Associates degree in Recording Arts. A little while back I decided that I wanted to become a personal trainer and physical therapist first and foremost; my ambitions about Full Sail at first were naïve and misled; it’s what I thought that I wanted most, but I realized that it is not, and that led me here. Becoming a certified personal trainer is easy, but health science takes a bit longer. I am actually considering shooting for a PhD in it and to go ahead and get it over with. Shall I decide to do that, my road there is extended significantly, although I know that it is worth it. I really should have just finished that first. Most of the places that I would be able to use Full Sail’s degree are out of this state, thriving under circumstances that agree with everything that I have learned to disagree with in life, or are depicting themselves to be something that just doesn’t seem like it would make me near as happy as I could be and should be, and that is not what I’m looking for. Whatever though, it will all work out still. At least I know how to record, mix, and develop my own music. That puts me ahead just a bit, which makes me feel better, not to mention that I have been working on my music ruthlessly for the past year or so. And I have five different side projects, which all vary into different genres; all of the way from acoustic, to hardcore, to somewhat classical and theatrical. I do every instrument on my own, and with that being said, it is hard to complete even just five separate demos all up to my personal standards in a short period of time. And by a short period of time, I mean at least a year; I am ecstatic to release it, but I know that I have to be patient. Anyways, after I graduate, I plan to be working as a personal trainer and as a physical therapist and I will attend school for botany. Out of everything, I have learned in life to do what you love. It is what makes me happy at least. Music, health, and botany may be a weird combination, but it’s my thing and I think that I will be much happier dealing with that rather than I would be waking up miserable, dressing up, forcing a smile, and going to do sales every day like my father. His break though, is that he is at least good at sales; I’m sure that it makes it much more bearable.
I don’t know what to write this morning. I guess I am getting to the point where I am getting tired of writing about this; in this rhetoric at least. There are so many things that I want to say, but I often forget them and replace that one idea with another. Right now though, I guess your own personal self-justification keeps running through my mind. That is what I find myself focused on at this moment, aside from the usual good things that I relive. I remember a couple times when we got into an argument and you responded “I really didn’t do anything wrong anyway,” refusing to find yourself sorry, and well, wrong. I thought, “Wow. You know maybe you did not do anything obviously wrong in your own opinion, but either way, it is something that I do not like (that is not taken out of context, unjustified, or unfair) so it is in one way or another, wrong for this relationship.” That is how I have always thought anyways towards other’s that I am in a relationship with. Whatever though. I really need to stop doing self-comparisons. I catch myself sometimes. It’s an asshole thing to do.
I don’t feel creative right now. I feel somewhat numb to things. This may be, and honestly probably is, just an easier moment. Who knows how I’ll feel when I wake up?
Hay there. Thanks so so much for your comment on my post about proposing. I just LOVED your idea! That was so amazing. So, I've been reading your blog and it's great! I love it. One of the best I've came across. Im following :)
I'm so sorry Kendra! I just now saw your comments! I didn't mean to leave you hanging!
You don't need to thank me. It's totally my pleasure. I love putting my mind to work and trying to keep myself in check so my future wife (whoever that may be) has something to look forward to. Not to mention its good brain exercising (a + for nerds like me).
I'm happy that you liked it! It's good to have some insight from another female. I know a lot of guys that get lost when it comes to their significant others, simply because they never ask for or take any insight from other women; even the significant other herself (i.e. buying them presents, etc). Reassurance is nice :]
I've been following your blog as well for quite a little while. Although the more feminine subjects don't necessarily apply to me as much, i find lots of others things on there that spark my interest into a wild fire or two. So thank you so much for the kind words, and of course, expect me following quite constantly as well :]
Thanks for all of the things you said! That just made my day... My week! lol I'm glad you were brave enough to write about that sort of thing. Thats very admirable. I love reading what you have to say. I'm glad you found some hope in seeing that there is a female out there who feels the same way. It was such a huge relief and gave me so much hope too, to see that there is a such thing as a good man out there like you. So far, I have only met 1 other man that agrees on that sort of thing. That's outrageous! From what I've learned about you, you seem like an amazing man and I bet you will find a woman who feels the same and is worthy of your love. There aren't many but, I'm sure you will have no problem in finding one :)
Also, thank you for being a great follower and for all of the wonderful comments. They have definetly helped me through some serious troubles this week! :)
I will be back very soon!
Warmest wishes,
Oh Ms. Kendra, thank you so much! I don't even think that the right words exist that would explain how awesome that you made my week, month, and year. Fortunately, i'm just finding my way back here on a constant again after being away for far too long! Which means that I'll be by to catch up with you very, very soon my lady! :]
Oh I'm so glad you're back! Wow, I was just talking about you (lol I'm not a stalker I swear!) lol Sounds creepy, but I had just been mentioning how it's been forever since I've seen you on. You're my fav blogger! I've missed seeing ya on here.
Can't wait to catch up! I hope all is well with you & will hopefully hear from ya soon. :)
Haha! Don't sweat it, as i'm pretty certain that i can trust you in that area. I don't really know why exactly i stayed away so long. It was kind of refreshing though; and needed, it anything. You know, one of those points in life :]
I really do appreciate that and all of your other kind words. Like i said, i don't even knows the words that would really explain how much i mean that. I really had no intention or thoughts of being anyone's favorite blogger when i first started on here. It's strange; over the years, especially including the last two or three, i guess i've kind of shifted a lot of the musicality (as a genius friend of mine says) that went towards my music and lyrics to my writing instead; if that makes sense at all.
The kind of writing that I'm doing just seems to stutter though. It's back and forth from music to the other types like these on here. Sometimes my focus on one takes a week to change, sometimes a month, sometimes only a day; even an hour. I guess you could say that i took a focus off of that and onto some other parts and aspects of life for a little while. And it seems to have brought me right back here :]
Everything is great my way. I absolutely can't complain, but thank you for asking. Of course i hope the same or even better for you. You know, a healthy anatomy all the way to a happy bf. Eh? I've got my fingers crossed for you.
I totally know what you mean there! I have sudden changes a lot too. I've always got new interests that always change. lol. I like that you're into the music thing. That's interesting. I'm glad to hear you're doing well and taking a break sounds like it would definitely do some good. I understand sometimes I just need to get away from everything for a while too. I really meant what I said too. I find everything you have to write so amazing! I think a lot of the same things that I've saw mentioned in you're posts. Definitely hard to find people like us. Were one of a kind! lol. Haha
I'll stop back by tomorrow when I have a little time. I'm very glad you're back though!
Best wishes,
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