One thing that I surely do not miss about the confines of a tiny hometown (Such as mine of Rockledge, Florida) is the intended and unintended rumors that find their way around the entire place, and through almost everyone’s (If not everyone’s) ears. What I find worse is that most people are ignorant enough to believe full-faithfully what another random person has to say about an entirely different and separate person, and/or that person’s situation; even when they know just as well that the informer really probably doesn’t know the true story, simply from their lack of relationship with the person whom the story is about. I learned pretty quickly to only half-believe what most people have to say about another individual. Mainly because I learned that only you as a person can get to know someone and gather an intelligent idea of whether you truly want to befriend them or not; someone else can’t do that for you, but sadly a lot of people let it happen. It doesn’t matter if it’s your best friend, cousin, sister, or what have you. Just because another person that you are close with (Or that you even aren’t close with) dislikes someone, does not mean that you should as well. In fact, you should see it as an opportunity to get to know the person (If you don’t already of course) so you can in return find out the truth about who they are. And just as simply as that can happen, it can lead to the mending of the disagreement between those two original people by your own hand and efforts. Many times when things like this happen, it happens because it is caused by one simple misunderstanding. Some people even grow such a hatred for another over situations like this that I don’t know how they live with themselves; my body would be breaking from the weight of my conscience. People tend to be so quick to be self-defensive, and they often tend to be so quick to take that self-defense over the edge. One reason that this happens so often is because they, just like most of the others, believe the rumors that are said about them whole heartedly too. Growing up I witnessed more verbal and physical fights between people because of what they heard from another, from a rumor that has started, and even from a complete misunderstanding where one side didn’t do a thing wrong, more so than I witnessed someone simply approach the person calmly and talk it out with them. Even if the calm talk doesn’t resolve it, well at least you didn’t act like a complete idiot for at least a short time in your life. Don’t worry, there’s no condescension, because it’s more than I can say for myself in my past.
I walked into work to find myself lost from my manager who was also my trainer. There really was nothing that I could do without her. I mean, I didn’t really know what else to do besides what had already been done that day by the earlier shift. I approached a guy working in my section of the pharmacy who obviously held the same job that I did. He seemed somewhat surprised when I walked up and said, “Hey man! My name is James and I’m new here. The manager is supposed to be training me, but I can’t find her man! I was hoping that maybe you could help me out with what I should do?!” He stops and says, “Hey man! Yeah she told me about you! She still isn’t here right now so if you just want to help me finish stocking what few boxes are left in the back then that will do fine until she gets here!” I responded, “Awesome man, for sure! I’ll get on it right now!” We exchanged a few more sentences and then I started off to work. I thought to myself, “That dude was awesome. I’m glad that I met him. I’m surprised how much I’ve liked everyone here so far. I look forward to working with him and the rest of them. Tonight is already going pretty good so far (I should have knocked on wood)!”
Later on I found my manager who had come in a few minutes late. I spoke with her on what was needed to be done and another co-worker was instructed to teach me what to do. We walked off, and this is the moment that I learned from this co-worker that I would be paired up with another employee, whose name that I won’t mention (With the same respect for anybody else). The lady became wide eyed and she quietly began to speak in the lightest whisper, with the lightest exhales. She began, “Have you heard of him?! Has anyone told you?!” Now keep in mind that I haven’t worked here long, and I in no way intend to begin my journey down the road of work-related rumors. So me being the smart ass that I am, and already being able to read where this was most likely going, and not approving of that, I responded with a step-below a shout (gaining the attention of several co-workers), “No! What?!” “Shhhhh,” she responded with a smile. She leaned in, “Everyone says that he’s crazy. I really don’t’ know why, but he is (Points to her head and spins her hand in a forward, circular motion).” I responded, “What? Why do you say that?” She began, “Well, I’m not really sure, but he is out there (Elongating the ‘out there’). He’s been here seven months and has said maybe three sentences to me. He moved over to the pharmacy department and everyone from the last one that he was in says don’t mess with ******! They especially say not to mess with his work strategy and how he goes about it in his own way! Honestly, I think he’s one of those guys that will just snap one day and bring a gun in, and shoot the place up!”
Me: “…..WOW. COOL. (Thinking to myself, why in the hell is he working here to begin with then if you think something like that?) WELL EITHER WAY, I HOPE THAT THAT DOESN’T HAPPEN….”
Her: “Yeah, ha! He’s psycho.”
Being that I had just recently started this job, I especially took into account that maybe she was completely joking. Actually, I tried convincing myself to believe that, but her tones and body language said otherwise. I was getting a notion to keep in mind that I may need to steer clear of this guy, and I wanted to know him when I saw him so I asked her, “Well what does he look like? What color is his hair, his build, and so on?” She responds, “Well he’s taller than you. He has dark hair, and he is a little tiny bit of a heavy set guy. He wears glasses, khaki pants, and a blue button up. He’s actually working right now in the pharmacy if you want to go look!”
I stopped for a second and then continued to ask the girl how many people actually are employed for overnight stocking in the pharmacy. She said four; her, myself, and man named Eddie, and a guy named ******, and Eddie wasn’t there that night.
It hit me quick and my blow was full of humor and it was sick with obliviousness. I stopped and laughed to myself. I literally laughed out loud just a tiny bit. The lady turns to me and says, “What’s so funny?”
Me: “The psycho that you’re referring to; the guy that you say that may shoot this place up; the guy that sounds like a total outcast that you keep speaking of; does he have very puffy cheeks, a slight wobble when he walks, and does his mouth twitch sometimes when he speaks (For reason that I am not sure of)?”
Her: “Yeah! That’s him!”
Me: “Oh (elongating the ‘oh’)! So you mean the guy who helped me above and beyond when I was unsure of what to do earlier, because our manager was late? The guy that I held a short conversation with, who seemed to be one of the most friendly individuals that I’ve ever met? The guy that was joking with me earlier while I was helping him unload some boxes? You know, the guy that I actually now consider a friend because he’s been such an awesome fucking person so far towards me? (Readers: The guy whom I spoke of above)
Her: “..I….guess?....”
Me: “Yeah, he’s actually cool as shit.”
Her: "Oh...."
Me (In my own head): Fucking people....
Just because someone may be a tad bit different does not give you any right to exaggerate things about them. It makes me furious how most people won’t even take the time to befriend someone to find out even the basics about them. If you don’t know someone, you shouldn’t speak things about them which you obviously are in no way one hundred percent positive about. In fact, when you don’t know someone, you don’t make assumptions, or opinions, or beliefs about them, period. I see this happen far too much. People deserve the respect of a fair fight when it comes to your acceptance of them. And in all honesty I think that you should accept everyone for who they are, but if you don’t agree with that and them, then you simply keep them out of your life. People love you twice over when they feel accepted by you, no matter who they are; who the hell deserves rejection? I mean, you don’t, right? Neither does the person next to you. This doesn't have to mean that you agree with their lifestyle either. A person's actions don't always necessarily depict who they are at that current moment in their life. I like to believe that there is good in every single person. Trust for one example; you can find that in anybody. And trust exists and is as human and humane as the skin on our bodies and fulfillments that appease us. Remember, when you burn a bridge, you can never get back over the same way. If you want a more in depth explanation to this, read my blog “Lessons to Life Part 2.”
And now I’m off for another awesome night at work with ******.
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